Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Land of the Dead review

there is rarely ever a good zombie movie, and i can definetly say that this is not one of them. Land of the Dead, written and Directed by George A. Romero , and starring Simon Baker, John Leguizamo and Dennis Hopper. This Movie is pretty much about how in the future there is a city which is caged off to the rest of the world. and its caged off for a reason. its surrounded by ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!!!, anyway, these Zombies are different( of course they are still dead, and they still eat people and walk slow) these Zombies are ......not mindless? what!!! yes and they also have feelings for their fellow zombies. also these zombies are just trying to live the life that they had before they became zombies. like for instance there is a zombie that was a gas station attendant so he stays there at the station and occasionally tries to fill up non existing cars. its very amusing to see zombies trying to play instruments and couple zombies walking hand and hand. anyway, in the city The wealthy live in sealed skyscrapers as the poor fend for themselves on the streets. there are teams that go outside the city to get supplies and kill a few zombies. well ummm long story short the zombies learn to use guns and kinda swim, they get in the city and umm that's it.

I can just say that when a zombie movie has more guns and explosions than actual suspense and frightening moments, I wouldn't classify it as a horror movie anymore, it was pretty much an action movie. Oh god how I hate when directors try to make modern, hip, horror movies. it just never works out. George A. Romeros older stuff was better, like the original Dawnof the dead. but now he comes out with crap like this and slightly better crap like the Dawn of the Dead remake. I hate stuff like this, this is why I also hate John Carpenter and Wes craven. ahhhhh just make a freaking scary movie. no stupid teen parties, or tons of guns. ok anyway the only two zombie movies I really liked were 28 Days and Shaun of the dead. go see those movies instead, don't waste your time or money on this movie. 3 out of 10

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