Tuesday, September 05, 2006


its sad to say but our little furry chipmunk, Baby, past away at 7:38pm. me and jenn came to check on him and well, he wasn't breathing. I felt him and he was cold and stiff. I didn't know how to feel at that moment. I wrapped him up in cloth and we went over to my house where i had already dug a hole about a month ago for no reason. but now it actually had a reason. After we had buried him I finally felt sad, but it wasn't because it had died because it wasn't in pain anymore. but its because of the ignorance of people. how could someone be so uncompassionate. I pretty sure there were alot of people that saw it before me and could have done something. I just don't know why people don't care. now, i know there are those that do but for the majority, they are selfish beings which just take and don't give back to this world.
Before Baby died we, went over to an animal hospital to see if they could help or at least give us some advise...but no. apparently if its not i cat or a dog nobody cares. Is there any good hearted people out there. they couldn't even give us advise. anyway, just the thought of how something so innocent can die because of such a cruel world gets me sad. most people wouldn't care, oh its just road kill they say. I can't take people like that, everyone could always help something in need. this world is made of love and peace lets not forget that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor chipmunk :-(
But it's good to know that some people do wanna help those in need, even if the needy are not humans, dogs or cats...
So, the vet wouldn't help you at all?