Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Jarhead Review

now this was an interesting war movie. Jarhead directed by Sam Mendes , is Based on former Marine Anthony Swofford's best-selling 2003 book about his pre-Desert Storm experiences in Saudi Arabia and about his experiences fighting in Kuwait. this movie stars Jake Gyllenhaal as Anthony Swofford, and Jamie Foxx as staff sgt. Skyes. in the movie Anthony is a sniper and is out in the middle east with the rest of his squad. what is interesting about this movie is that unlike most war movies that concentrate on the battles as their big moments, this movie does just the opposite. infact this movie has no battles what so ever. so if you were planning to see blood and guts , go watch Saving Private Ryan. This movie focuses all its attention of the soldiers mind. of the emotion that they feel. it concentrates on their ache for home and parinoia that their significant others are cheating on them. soldiers not only have to bare physical suffering they also have to bare even worse, the mental suffering that goes with being a soldier. I really enjoyed this movie because its something i totally didn't expect. Soldiers train, go to war, if lucky stay alive. then go back home, where they are nobody once again. this is exactly what this movie shows and its really a sad truth. 8/10

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